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Caliper Personality Profile Assessment: Study Guide with Practice Questions

by Sarah Duncan

So, you are going to be taking the Caliper Assessment Test. Let’s talk about what this test is and how to amp up your performance to nab the job you’re looking for.

The Caliper exam is an assessment that employers use to gather information about potential employees. The test reveals aspects of the candidate’s personality. What motivates you? What helps you succeed, and how do you thrive? Are you competitive, loyal, or empathetic?

Take the Caliper Personality Profile Assessment Practice Test to improve your score.

The test will also allow you to show off your strengths and demonstrate the qualities you possess that make you an outstanding candidate.

So how can you ace this exam and demonstrate to an employer that you’re a natural fit for the job? Read on to learn more.

Studying for the Caliper Assessment

The Caliper Assessment is primarily a personality test. Some people may wonder how it’s possible to study for a personality test. The truth is, to succeed at any exam, it’s helpful to have familiarity with the format and type of questions you will be asked.

It’s important to always be honest in your assessment. However, it’s also a good idea to present yourself in the best mind frame possible when answering these questions. When formulating your responses, you should pretend you already have the job you are hoping to get. You should also imagine that you are doing well at that job. Now, answer the questions that are presented to you as if you were in that professional situation.

To study for this test, take practice exams that help you get familiar with the questions that are asked. That way you will know what to expect and build confidence for the day of the exam. Check out practice test questions here.

Without practice, the Caliper exam can seem like a daunting challenge. But with practice, you’ll become familiar with what the test entails and you’ll become fluent in what sorts of answers make sense and how to achieve a high score on this assessment.

You’ll want to learn what sections of the test are more difficult for you and which are not as challenging. Let’s break the exam down into sections so you can learn about each type and how to do well on every part.

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What Are the Sections of the Caliper Exam?

There are several sections to the Caliper Assessment Test. Let’s discuss how to succeed in each area.

Cognitive Reasoning

Candidates will be asked to perform abstract and mathematical reasoning through a series of multiple-choice questions.

In the abstract reasoning portion of the exam, test-takers will try to solve puzzles comparing different shapes and figures to one another. In this section, it’s important to look for patterns and similarities that indicate what the next item in a series should be. You will also be asked to compare a series of nine squares with shape patterns inside to one another, looking for patterns among the series.

Pattern recognition requires close observation and attention to detail. You will also need to visualize objects in three dimensions and rotate these objects in your mind. If you struggle with these skills, you will want to complete practice exams to build your skills.

Try to take your time and not panic if the pattern is not immediately obvious. Some patterns are more obvious and some are more subtle.

Numerical Reasoning

In the numerical portion of the assessment, you’ll observe number patterns. You’ll want to get familiar with the types of patterns commonly found in this exam.

Here’s a pattern example:


Which is the correct answer?

  • 1522
  • 320
  • 148
  • 228

Click here to see the correct answer and find more questions.

You will be asked to use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and addition to find patterns. You may also need to combine these functions to achieve your answer. If you are stumped on a particular question, continue to practice until you find yourself getting used to the format.

Over time, you should become more comfortable finding mathematical patterns using numerical reasoning.

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A large portion of the questions on the Caliper exam attempt to determine information about the candidate’s personality. Test-takers will be required to answer several types of questions, including:

  • Answers stating whether a sentence most or least describes you
  • Stating whether you agree or disagree with a particular sentence
  • Measure the strength or weakness of agreement level with a sentence

The personality test will allow neutral-type answers. However, it is often a good idea to be decisive in your answers in order to show confidence. For example, if you are being tested for a customer service role, think about your ability to multitask and remain friendly and open.

If you are being examined for a role as a computer programmer, you may want to demonstrate your ability to concentrate and focus on highly complicated matters.

It is always important to be truthful during this portion of the exam, but you also want your assessment to reflect your true fit level for the position in question. Again, think about the particular job description and what sorts of qualities a person in such a role should exemplify. Then answer the questions as if you are in this role and are succeeding.

For example, if you are in a leadership role and are doing well, how would you answer a question about the importance of meetings in a workplace?


I don’t talk much in meetings.

True | False

A person who is mostly quiet in meetings does not seem like leadership material, whereas a person who speaks up in meetings is a risk taker who seeks out opportunities to contribute.

The personality portion of the exam measures 21 distinct behavioral qualities. Interestingly, the exam is tailored towards each individual job.

Thus, a quality that a leadership role should exemplify may be seen positively for a managerial position but may be seen negatively for a person in a nursing role. The key is to consider which job category you’re applying for.

Click here for more practice test questions.

How Are Caliper Results Categorized?

The Caliper exam test results will be released to your employer. You will receive scores in several relevant business skills areas.

Here are the result categories:

Organization and Time Management

Succeeding in this category requires that a person demonstrate a detail-oriented approach to work and complete tasks in the allotted time. Questions will attempt to determine how well candidates can multitask and prioritize under pressure.


Managerial positions will look for a high score in this area. Demonstrate your leadership abilities by answering questions that show you take risks and have confidence in your abilities.

Problem Solving

To do well in this category, you’ll need the ability to confidently solve problems using reasoning and logic. This exam portion is especially important for supervisory roles.

Interpersonal Skills

Salespeople and customer service representatives need to excel at relating to other people. However, this skill is relevant for all employment scenarios. A high score in this category shows the ability to put oneself in another’s shoes and pick up on social cues.

Overall Fit

Each of these areas will be compiled to determine your overall fit for the particular role. This fit will fall into one of these three ranges:

  • Natural Fit
  • Moderate Alignment
  • Weak Alignment

For obvious reasons, a score landing in the “Natural Fit” category is ideal for job seekers. However, since you will be scored against other test-takers, the overall scoring is somewhat subjective based on how well other candidates perform.

Your score will be within the range of 1-99, with lower scores indicating weak alignment, and higher scores showing a more natural fit within the role.

Employers seek to find the best person for the role they are trying to fill. They may also use the Caliper assessment on current employees to determine what teams they are best suited for and whether they may require additional training.

One of the goals of applying a more scientific approach to talent management is to avoid turnover and promote harmony within the workplace. Thus, practicing for the test can help you put your best foot forward and get the job you are hoping to achieve.

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Job Models on the Caliper Test

When you take the Caliper Exam, your answers will be scored based on the particular job model that the role you’re applying for fits into. Here are the job models:

  • Technical: analysts, developers, and data security professionals
  • Service: service associates and customer service representatives
  • Sales: recruiters, producers, and account development professionals
  • Management: heads of marketing, directors, and team leads fit in this category
  • Other: teaching and nursing positions fall into this role

Is the Caliper Assessment Test a Timed Exam?

The Caliper test is not a timed assessment. This means that test-takers should spend as much time as they need to on each particular question. However, it is important to finish answering each question on the test, as the testing software does not permit scoring on incomplete exams.

The test contains 180 questions. These questions will help your employer determine whether you will fit in with the established company culture. They will also showcase the seriousness of your commitment to succeed in the position and whether you are likely to stay in the position for a period of time. This is why it’s important to spend as much time as possible preparing yourself to succeed at this exam.

Plan to take the test within a three-hour time period. Your test will be set up based on the type of role you are seeking. You may be looking at an entry-level position or a professional role, or customer service or sales position, etc. You must answer all questions presented.

Practice for the Caliper Assessment

The best way to do well on this exam is to practice, practice, practice. First, begin taking practice exams to start to identify your areas of strength and where you can improve.

For the cognitive portions of the assessment, you will need to get used to the types of patterns that are seen. With shapes, you’ll be required to imagine these shapes in a 3D space and have the ability to rotate them.

With numbers, you may be asked to use simple mathematical functions to relate each number to the next in the list and determine the pattern. After you have finished your practice exam, look at your score to see where you excelled and what areas could use some extra study.

Then, do a deep dive into questions where your skills need to be sharpened or your answers should be modified to fit the particular job you’re looking to get.

Take Caliper Personality Profile Assessment Practice Test Now

Company Culture and the Job Description

Look up the job description for the position and learn as much as you can about what skills will be required. The job description is a gold mine for potential employees. Get comfortable thinking about the various skills that are needed to accomplish the tasks laid out in this document.

Then think about your own work history and the ways in which you have had opportunities to exemplify these skills in your own professional experience. You should also put yourself in the mindset you would be in if you were performing these tasks on a daily basis. When answering the practice tests, put this way of thinking to work on the personality portions of the exam.

In addition to the job description, you should also research the company you’re applying to. Look at their website and their “About” statement, as well as their quarterly reports and organizational charts. Consider what sort of company culture you will be working in. You will also want to tailor your answers to the cultural expectations the particular company seeks.

Acing the Caliper Assessment

While the Caliper Assessment Test can be intimidating, succeeding is a matter of study, research, and practice. As you gain confidence in your answers, you’ll be in a good position to obtain an outstanding score and contribute your skills to the position you are seeking.

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