Is Technology a Good Career Path?

Is Technology a Good Career Path? – Pros & Cons Explained

In recent years, technology has been evolving at the speed of light. The industry is booming faster than ever. Thus, companies are recruiting new hires daily to expand their operation. It seems like the best time to join this money-making sector.

Is technology the dream field you have been looking for? Let’s take a look at the benefits it offers and how you can get into it.

Should I Pursue a Career in Technology?

Technology is a brilliant career path for the academically achieved. The benefits associated with the field are well sought after. Technological breakthroughs are exciting. This industry has the power to dictate the future. It is the future sector of society. 

Some typical jobs in the technology sector include:

Firms are spending trillions of dollars on research to develop ground-breaking technology. To succeed, they need new steams of talent constantly, creating a great demand. There is no better time to join the sector.

Nonetheless, you should evaluate the disadvantages of being in technology as it does not always reward dedication as much as it rewards talent. Since there are new breakthroughs each day, simply keeping up with the books may not get you fast ahead enough. You have to be naturally good in your field to stay competitive.

Pros of Working in Technology

Is Technology a Good Career Path?

1. High Pay

It is no secret that technology pays well. Our future depends on technology and companies will be quick to pay a good salary. The mean of technology workers is much higher than the national average. People earn about $100,000 per year.

Depending on your position and experience, the wage varies. With years of experience, it is not uncommon for workers to double their starting salary, which is impossible in many industries.

2. Flexible Work Culture

The technology field is famous for its lenient work environment. Silicon Valley has proven to the world how a friendly workplace can motivate workers and enhance efficiency. Most of these offices contain a large entertainment unit for employees to relax and brainstorm. 

Furthermore, you probably will not be required to be physically in the office daily. The flexible work schedule allows you to work from home. You may not even adhere to the traditional 9-to-5. Rather, you can work whenever you want as long as you can deliver before the deadline. 

3. Collaboration Is Emphasized

Technology giants often emphasize the importance of collaborations. Your colleagues are not your enemy. Instead of trying to outperform each other, every team should work together. Team events are regularly held to strengthen members’ sense of belonging. A harmonious workplace fosters close work relationships among workers.

The toxic work culture prevalent in some fields is uncommon here. Therefore, employees can mostly enjoy a drama-free office where they can learn and grow with their teammates. Supervisors are likely to be supportive and offer guidance throughout your project.

4. Work Prospect Is Good

There is a long hierarchy to follow in technology. For the most part, it provides exceptional opportunities for workers to be the important pillar of the company. During the first few years, there is a set timeline for when to expect a promotion. After that, an employee will outstanding performance will be praised and promoted. 

Technology is a fair field. Your chances of being promoted do not depend on how much your supervisor likes you but on your actual work outcomes. Work results can usually be quantified, giving a fair and clear look in evaluating your performance. Nepotism is uncommon as the worker has to deliver impressively to convince the managers.

5. Lots of Specialties to Choose From

There are highly specialized fields within each department. It helps employees focus on tasks they are passionate about. It cultivates talents as workers are less likely to be stuck doing administrative work or other tasks they do not thrive in. Workers can strike up a deal with the employer. Each contract can be tailor-made to suit the worker’s needs.

Separating the operation into smaller parts is the key to generating results. Each employee is in charge of a very specific task. Among these specialties, talents can still make the switch if their skills are interchangeable. There are always new challenges that make the work fun.

6. A Great Sense of Mission

Some jobs will leave you feeling empty at the end of the day but technology is certainly not one of them. You are staying ahead of the whole world and leading the changes. Everything you do could shape the future.

People in technology often have a great sense of mission. Job satisfaction is high when you are changing the world. That’s why people in technology seldom leave the field as there is nothing else that will stimulate them as much.

Cons of Working in Technology

Is Technology a Good Career Path?

1. Intense Deadlines and Schedules

It is a fast-changing field. The prompt you were given yesterday in the meeting may no longer be suitable the next day. There are constant adjustments to deadlines and tasks. It can be intense for those who prefer an orderly schedule.

Nothing is fixed in this field. You have to expect the unexpected. Some people may find it too stressful to catch up with the deadlines when the tasks are not clearly specified. The responsibility is not for everyone.

2. Regular Training Is Expected

This is not a field where you can acquire the skills once and you are set for life. Technological updates are constant. All the programs and theories can be overthrown in a matter of days. As part of the community, you have to catch up with the trend. 

Staying ahead of the flow is difficult. You are never truly off work as you are expected to know the industry trends. Attending regular training sessions may not help with efficiency. Some senior workers struggle to adapt to the latest technology, despite being in the field for years.

3. Your Skills May Be Outdated Anytime

These days, machines are quickly replacing people. Even though you are bringing innovative changes, you are still at risk of being replaced. It is hard to estimate when your skills will become outdated. Forecasting trends is possible but you will never know what other professionals will discover the next day that will put you out of a job.

Technology firms upgrade their production with machines and artificial intelligence to minimize human mistakes and raise efficiency. Some jobs may become redundant in the near future. Workers without other skills may not survive in this industry because of it.

4. Urgent Work Is Common

If you work in the technology sector, you may encounter urgent duty calls. For example, programmers in a bank can be called back to work at midnight if the system crashes and the on-duty staff are unable to fix it. The greater the power, the greater the responsibility. 

Sometimes, the company cannot afford to wait until the next day to fix the issue. Although you should be compensated for these urgent tasks, the stress is not ideal for family life. You are never off duty as you are bound to head back to the office during emergencies.

5. A Mistake Can Severely Damage Your Reputation

A human mistake can cost the company millions if not more. Not every employer is lenient in tolerating mistakes, especially if they are simple. Employees that are let go for poor performance will face obstacles the size of an iceberg.

Information flows fast in this field. Your incompetence will scare away potential employers, making it impossible to get another job related to your specialty. Rebuilding your reputation after a failure is not plausible. You have to deliver mistake-free results.

6. Studying Hard May Not Always Pay Off

Unfortunately, technology is a field where you need inherent talent to succeed. No matter how hard you study, you won’t be able to keep up with all the new updates unless you are naturally good at calculations and graphics.

Since innovation is a big part of it, studying and memorizing each theory is not as useful as having the brain come up with new ideas. Companies are looking for talents to revolutionize the field rather than following existing rules. It could be difficult for those who adore following commands rather than pushing forward ideas.

How Much Are Technology Workers Paid?

There are hundreds of positions within the technology field and each position will pay differently based on the qualifications and job duties needed. On average, tech workers can make around $100,000 a year. However, that number does not differentiate positions. The exact salary in your role may be different.

A data science manager can make about $130,000 per year, while a programmer gets paid around $100,000 yearly. Also, the salary range will depend on the state you work in as it is adjusted for the cost of living. Expensive states like California will pay better than average.

Some states are rapidly expanding their technology field. Hence, companies are raising budgets to catch up. In those states, workers can get paid higher for leading the company to thrive. Since the exact salary will depend on a number of factors, candidates should discuss in detail with the potential employer or a headhunter about reasonable expectations. 

The demand for tech workers will only double in the coming decades as every production line turns scientific and digital. Technology infiltrates every line of work and provides fairly decent job security. You can make some big bucks if you choose the right path. 

What Qualifications Do You Need to Work in Technology?

In this extremely competitive field, you will most likely need a bachelor’s degree at a minimum to get an offer. It is not a field where you can get an entry-level job without a relevant background. The more prestigious the institution, the higher the requirements.

Well-established universities provide thorough training and internship opportunities to students in big corporates to familiarize them with the work culture and job duties. These students are able to pick up and transition smoothly compared to those without these experiences. 

It’s not over after you get the job. Most positions require yearly training to advance your skills. If you want to progress to the manager position, expect to take a second or third degree. There could be rules to only promote those with certain degrees.

It will be a lifelong learning process to work in technology. You will need to attend courses and seminars to polish your expertise. In general, you need to achieve excellent academic results. 


If you are passionate about making the world a better place with your invention, technology is the best place to be. You are on the frontline of revolutions. Its enticing work prospect pumps you up with satisfaction every day. If you possess the qualifications needed for the role, it’s time to start applying to get your options rolling.