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How to Prepare And Succeed in Verbal Reasoning Test?

Employers of all types of companies are usually on the lookout for potential employees who have the required skills and drive to keep their company strong. One of the main ways they distinguish between their candidates is through verbal reasoning tests.

The candidates who show the most promise and align the closest with the beliefs and values of the company will have a greater chance of being selected. Employers can look at each candidate from an objective standpoint and see where their strengths and weaknesses lie.

Here is some useful information to teach you how verbal reasoning tests work and what to expect from them.

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What Is a Verbal Reasoning Test?

Verbal reasoning tests are psychometric tests designed to test your abilities objectively so employers can see how you stand out amongst the crowd. Employers use verbal reasoning tests to see how good you are at making deductions from text and assess your language and reading comprehension skills.

Many employers believe that verbal reasoning tests are a more fair way of evaluating applicants since every candidate will face a similar set of questions. The verbal reasoning test is meant to be one part of a much wider selection process to determine which candidates will be selected for employment.

You will be measured on many essential qualities that you will need to exhibit in the workplace. The questions will consist of passages that you will answer true, false, and cannot say. Your answers will be based on how you comprehend the passage.

If you feel like the passage may not have enough information to reach a solid conclusion, your answer would likely be that you cannot say. Be sure to read each passage carefully so you can find the best answer.

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How to Prepare for a Verbal Reasoning Test?

One way of preparing for the verbal reasoning test is to become familiar with the test format. You should also set enough time to practise as much as you can so you can be prepared for any question you may receive. You will be able to find some sample verbal reasoning test questions and answers on Job Test Prep.

First, you should know who will be the test provider. The number of questions, the difficulty of the questions, and how much time you have on the test will differ depending on who the test provider is. Knowing who the test provider is will help you understand what to expect from the test.

You will need to know how to deduce your answer from the text’s information. Take your time to comprehend the passages you are given and do not rush and make assumptions. Every piece of information may be crucial to finding the correct answer, and rushing to understand the entire question may result in a lower score.

Many of the questions will be complex and challenging, so pay attention to your options.

In your preparation, it’s crucial to distinguish your strengths and weaknesses. Do not be discouraged if you get some answers wrong on a practice test. It will just show you what needs more work and how to better prepare for them. Practising until you are confident in your answers will be the key to success.

One of the most important things to remember is to give yourself plenty of time to rest before the day of the test. Being focused is extremely important as it can affect the way you answer the questions.

You should also give yourself time to take breaks when you are studying. A schedule full of constant studying until test day can lead to burnout. Pace yourself while still being as prepared as possible.

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What Is in Verbal Reasoning Assessments?

The assessments will be a reflection of the critical skills you will need to enter your career. The two main formats of the verbal reasoning test are reading comprehension and critical verbal reasoning. You will need to read critically and understand the passages that will be given to you throughout the test.

There will also be sections of the test that will assess your vocabulary skills, word analogy, and grammar and spelling skills. These skills will be necessary for your career path as well. Showing that you excel in these skills will let employers see how competent you are as a candidate.

You can expect some variations in the test:

  • Style and topic can range from history and business to science.
  • The length of the given text can vary from a few sentences to many paragraphs.
  • The question type can vary between basic comprehension and complex reasoning.

In verbal reasoning tests, you can expect five main types that are categorised under Verbal Reasoning and Language and Literacy.

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Verbal Reasoning:

1. Comprehension: These questions will require you to read a piece of content and test your ability to comprehend them thoroughly. You will then need to answer some questions about the text. The main aim is to see how well you digest information, interpret them then use them to answer relevant questions.

2. Critical Reasoning: These questions will test your ability to make logical inferences. You will be given statements about a passage, and you will need to decide if the statements are accurate.

Language and Literacy:

3. Vocabulary: Your vocabulary will be assessed in these questions. Make sure that you’re also familiar with synonyms and antonyms as they are a significant part of vocabulary.

4. Grammar: Your grasp of good grammar and spelling will be assessed.

5. Analogy: These questions will test your ability to understand relationships between certain words and ideas.

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Sample Questions

The questions will be based on the information embedded in the passages you are given. You will have to answer true, false, or cannot say to each question. Your answer will depend on how you comprehend the passage, and what you understand from the passage may be different from how other people perceive it.

Questions you may come across include:

Multiple Choice Questions: These questions require answers that are explicitly and clearly stated in the text. For example, “Which year?” and “How many?”

Implicit Questions: You might come across implicit multiple choice questions where you have to infer the answer from the text. These questions are not as direct. For example, you might be asked “what caused” an event, or “what made someone” take a specific action.

Meta Multiple Choice: These questions require you to think broader and make your own conclusions based on the text. The answers are not explicitly stated. An example would be what you can conclude or a lesson you can learn from the text.

Here are a few sample statements included in practice tests so you can get a better idea of what you might come across:

  • The number of fatal car crashes has increased, thanks to the increase in car sales.
  • Salt is used primarily for preservation and food flavouring.
  • Ivory has not been sold legally since 1989.
  • The ethics behind most corporations have changed drastically within the past ten years.
  • Some adults may wear shoes similar to what kids wear to appear younger to other people.

There are many other sample questions available on Job Test Prep, along with an answer guide to help you study. It helps to familiarise yourself with the types of questions and learn the correct answers that are expected.

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How to Pass a Verbal Reasoning Test?

A Student Writing with a pen

In order to pass the verbal reasoning test, you will need to study and familiarise yourself with the test. You may have to read some questions a few times to distinguish between critical pieces of information, so don’t rush through and make assumptions. Attention to detail is absolutely critical in verbal reasoning tests.

You will need to read the questions and use the relevant part of the passage to answer them. Some questions may even need more information than what they provide to you. In that case, your answer would likely be “cannot tell”.

While you are taking the test, think about each passage and question carefully but at the same time, try not to spend too much time being stuck on one question.

You will need to manage your time well and spend enough time on each question. Concentrate as much as you can so you can comprehend what you are reading, and try to keep clear of any distractions.

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You may be able to use the process of elimination to answer some questions. You will only be using the information that was provided to you in the passages to come to your final answers.

That means that you will not be able to draw on any outside sources. Rely on your own comprehension skills to make it through each part as efficiently as possible.

Do not take wild guesses on any of the questions. Many employers and test administrators will be able to tell when you simply guess on the test, which would only reflect poorly on you as a candidate for employment.

Instead, try to eliminate answers that are clearly wrong and make a careful, calculated guess.

Job Test Prep has helpful preparation materials that will aid your study. Whether it’s practise questions or study tips, Job Test Prep can help you study smart and pass the test.


Your verbal reasoning test results will be one of the key steps to building your career. Brush up on your skills as much as you possibly can and use some of the online practice materials from Job Test Prep to better prepare yourself for test day.

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