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Pearson Test Prep | General and Specific Tests for a Variety of Jobs

Pearson is a household name for students. As the major assessment provider in the world, Pearson has tests and assessments covering hundreds of industries. Job applicants that have taken several pre-employment tests will surely cross paths with Pearson tests at one point.

Taking a pre-employment test for Ford or 3M etc. can be a daunting experience, especially if you don’t know what to expect.

Widely used by international companies, such as ABC, HSBS, Intel, and Deloitte, Pearson tests are known to offer a fair judgment and assessment to the candidacy. Take a look at this study guide to prepare for your next Pearson test.

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What is on Pearson test?

There are hundreds of tests and assessments offered by Pearson. The range is extensive. Every test is designed to access certain qualities or characteristics. There are some general tests to evaluate the candidate’s ability to handle daily tasks like proficiency in Microsoft Office. There are also specific tests for positions like human resources, accountants, engineers, programmers, human resources, etc.

Some of the most famous Pearson tests include the GMAT, the Watson-Glaser, and the Miller Analogies Test. The format of each test can vary greatly depending on the target audience of the test. Each test has its own style to fulfill the purpose.

Below are some of the common characteristics you will find in a Pearson test.

Aptitude test

Entry-level tests may contain mostly multiple-choice questions to quickly eliminate unsuitable candidates. The whole process is monitored by the computer system to save manpower.

For more advanced tests or comprehensive tests, there will be challenging questions that involve creating graphics or inputting commands. For example, a programmer can be asked to find the error in the given code and correct it. A marketer may be asked to creatively come up with a concept for a campaign, or a human resources manager may be asked about the protocols to take in an unexpected event.

These questions aim to directly assess your suitability for the position. You need to have acquired the relevant ability before you take the test. Generally speaking, people that are fit for the role will not find these tests extremely difficult because they will already be equipped with relevant skills.

These tests are not made to rank candidates like a school exam but to see if the applicant possesses certain skills. Since you are not directly competing against others, most questions are straightforward work scenarios.

You have to pass the aptitude test before you are put through to the next stage. Most of the time, an aptitude test is sent to candidates after the initial resume screening. Those with a satisfactory background will be given the aptitude test.

Personality test

Opposite to an aptitude test, a personality test does not aim to evaluate your work performance directly but to estimate how well you will fit in the workspace. It evaluates whether you are prone to any criminal activity that may damage the company’s reputation.

A personality test often consists of around 150 exams. It should take around 20 to 45 minutes to complete. Each question is scale-based. You are asked to give a score on how agreeable a statement is.

A common personality test question usually looks like this, “when your boss rejects you, you get really frustrated and would insist on doing things the way you want.”

Companies require candidates to take a personality test so they can better estimate if their goals and work ethics align with the brand. A personality profile is drawn with the results.

Intelligence test

An intelligence test measures your creative thinking, logical reasoning, and graphic sensitivity. The most common intelligence tests are made of graphics. Candidates need to find the similarities or differences in the graphics. Guessing the next frame from the given patterns is also a common question included.

Unlike an aptitude test, an intelligence test does not directly relate to your work. There is no question about any work situation. Instead, you are given a bunch of graphics to measure the creative and thinking part of your brain.

Candidates with a faster response rate that can demonstrate strong reasoning skills are preferred. If you are detail-oriented or sensitive to visual elements, you will find this test fairly reasonable in terms of difficulty.

Quantitative and verbal reasoning

In the quantitative reasoning test, you will be given a set of basic mathematical questions to solve. These questions are likely not quite difficult. Your spatial sense and numerical reasoning skills are measured.

For the verbal reasoning test, you will be given several passages. Based on the content, you need to answer a series of questions like interpreting the message conveyed by the writer, a content summary, and other questions relating to the topic.

These tests see how comprehensive and well-rounded your skills are to see how well you will perform in the company. You need to demonstrate superb presentation and reasoning skills to express your ideas and train of thought thoroughly.

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How to prepare for a Pearson test?

Take a practice test

Check out Job Test Prep’s all-in-one study materials tailor-made for the Pearson tests. It offers study notes and a scoring guide so you can concentrate on studying the important parts of the exam.

Follow the instructions and review your results. After multiple test runs, you will be able to tackle the Pearson test without hesitation. Job Test Prep offers excellent customer service so your inquiries and needs are always catered to.

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Understand the requirements of each test

Make sure you are well-informed about the structure and content of each test before you start doing it. In the study materials, you will find notes provided by Job Test Prep that explain the expectations and requirements for each test and position in detail.

The requirements for the same test can be different for different positions. That’s why it is important that you know what you are dealing with. Read the job description several times. Make sure there is no misalignment in the expectations and requirements.

Match your skills with the job

As mentioned, the Pearson test is used to identify your strength and weaknesses, as well as your candidacy. Therefore, you should also perform a self-evaluation before you apply for jobs.

It is unlikely that you can learn a new skill in a short time. Hence, you should only apply for positions that fit your skills so you can pass the test. If you apply for a position that you are not suitable for, even if you pass the test, you will probably fail to give satisfactory performance.

About Pearson

Founded almost two centuries ago by Samuel Pearson, Pearson is a British assessment company and publication that provide study materials for schools, factories, companies, and employers.

Its expertise reaches most fields and is highly valued by corporates. Pearson is one of the most used test providers. During the hiring process, candidates are subjected to a series of tests to see how qualified they are for the position. Pearson offers that guideline and benchmark for reference.

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With this preparation guide, you should have a clear idea of what is in the Pearson test and how to prepare for it. Don’t forget to get your study guide on Job Test Prep so you can master the answering key efficiently.