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Video Vault

There are 4 pillars that must be in place for you to deliver a strong performance in your numerical test; 4 areas where you must excel.

They are: insight, competency, speed & time management, personal performance.

Video Vault Introduction


Pillar 1 – Insight

1.1 – Why ‘insight’ it so important

1.2 – How your test fits into the ‘bigger picture’

1.3 – The things you MUST know about your test beforehand


Pillar 2: Competency

2.1 – Gathering the raw materials for success

2.2 – The 5-step formula

2.3 – The real heart of the issue


Pillar 3 – Speed & Time Management

3.1 – Why these things matter so much

3.2 – How to boost your test speed

3.3 – Managing time during the test

Check out this watch, which has a silent vibration interval timer. Very handy! This was ostensibly designed for potty training(!), but works perfectly as a discreet interval timer and is large enough for an adult wrist.


Pillar 4 – Personal Performance

4.1 – Leveraging your biggest asset (you!)

4.2 – Preparing your mind & body for your assessment

4.3 – Managing nerves, increasing focus & energy levels


A closing message


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