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How to Study for Matrigma Test?

The Matrigma Test uses abstract reasoning questions to assess how well you can find logical patterns. In the test, you’ll be shown a few shapes, find the logical pattern and choose the correct missing shape.

This article will give you all the information you need to prepare for the Matrigma Test. We’ll also share everything you need to know about the Matrigma Test to give you the best chance of passing.

About the Matrigma Test

The Matrigma Test is a problem-solving, non-verbal test that employers will use to evaluate your ability to find patterns and an internal logic from different sets of shapes.  The Matrigma Test is an Abstract Reasoning Test that consists of a single kind of question that you’re in a 3×3 matrix. In the test, you will be asked to find the missing tile.

There are two different types of Matrigma Tests; the Classic Matrigma Test and the Adaptive Matrigma Test. In the Classic Matrigma Test, the questions will get more difficult as you continue with the test.

In the Adaptive Matrigma Test, the next question will be more difficult than the last if you answer a question correctly. At the same time, if you answer a question incorrectly, the next question will be easier.

The Matrigma Test is used to evaluate fluid intelligence. This means assessing how quickly and well you can unravel, rearrange, and incorporate information to find practical solutions with flexible and lateral thinking.

Individuals will need to be able to solve complicated problems that they might not be familiar with, and the problem won’t be based on their previous knowledge or beliefs.

The Human Resources services company Assessio (currently owned by Hogan Lovells) developed the Matrigma Test. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices was used as a foundation for the Matrigma Test.

As we’ve mentioned before the Matrigma Test will have 3×3 grids that are shown to the candidates in the assessment. You will need to find the correct answer and select the right multiple-choice option.

The Matrigma Test is also very similar to Diagrammatic Reasoning, Inductive Reasoning and Logical Reasoning tests.

How Is the Matrigma Test Administered?

Man in White Long Sleeves Sitting Near the Wooden Table

The Matrigma Test is typically administered online. This means that you will be able to take the test at any time. Online administration means that it will be easy for large groups and individuals to complete the test.

The test is also available in more than 20 languages. In a typical recruitment process, you will be asked to complete the Matrigma Test in the early stages of the process.  If you’ve passed the online Matrigma Test, you will typically be asked to retake the test in a proctored environment. This environment will often be the office of the hiring company.

Different Types of Questions Asked in the Matrigma Test

As mentioned above, in the Matrigma Test, you’ll be presented with 3×3 matrices, and you’ll need to find the missing tile. The missing tile is typically marked with a question mark. The Matrigma Test might be difficult if you haven’t completed a test like this before.

There are five principles that you will need to learn and understand to complete the test o answer the questions in the Matrigma Test.

Principle #1: Progression

In the Matrigma Test matrices, the shape will progress in each step of the row or column. It’s important to remember that the direction of the progression will differ.

Principle #2: Rotation

With the questions in the Matrigma Test, the shapes will rotate in a particular pattern across columns or rows.

Principle #3: Frequency

There will be a relationship between certain aspects of the shapes shown in the matrix in these questions. This will relationship will determine how often they appear and/or the order of their appearance.

Principle #4: Construction

With this kind of question in the Matrigma Test, two shapes that are in the same row or column can be combined to make a third shape.

Principle #5: Motion

With questions that include motion matrices, the shapes will change their position in each step. The motion will involve one or more of the shapes in the frame.

It might be handy to compare the outer shapes across the rows or columns to find the movement of the shape in the frame.

How Is the Matrigma Test scored?

Focused young african american businesswoman or student looking at laptop holding book learning, serious black woman working or studying with computer doing research or preparing for exam online

Norm Groups are used to score the Matrigma Test. The norm groups will depend on your knowledge and the field that you want to work in. Your score is then compared to thousands of other previous scores.

With your Matrigma Test score, you will be placed into one out of three groups. These three groups are low, average and high groups. Your scores will be rated on a scale of one to ten; ten will be the highest score you can achieve.

High Score

To achieve a high score, you will need to get between seven and ten of the possible points. If you get a high score, it will show the company that you have excellent logical and abstract reasoning skills.

This score will also show that you can easily work with and adapt to new information and to a new environment. A high score will also show that you have strong problem-solving skills.

Average Score

You will need to get between a three and a six to get an average score. An average score will show the employer that you’ve met their reasoning and decision-making skills standards. The average score for the Matrigma Test could also mean that you have skills that could be applied elsewhere in the company or in the job.

Low Score

If you’ve received a low score, it means that you’ve received between zero and two possible points out of ten. This could mean different things depending on how much problem-solving will be involved in the job you’re applying for.

If you’ve applied for a job involving a lot of problem-solving and you’ve achieved a low score, you might not be allowed to continue the recruitment process. This is because a low score could mean that you are someone who is a slow learner and might not be able to cope with a high-pressure environment.

When you receive your report card, your scores will be shown on a normal distribution graph with a bar in the middle of the graph. This bar represents the average score for that particular norm group. This graph will show how you compare to other applicants.

You should remember that you won’t get an exact score after completing the test. You will just get a notification that states if you got a low, average or a high score. The employer will be the only one to see your exact score and the norm group descriptions.

How to Interpret Your Test Score

Unfortunately, your report card for the Matrigma Test won’t show how many questions you answered correctly. Not showing which questions you’ve answered correctly or how many were answered correctly ensures that the test remains confidential.

Your report card will only tell you if you’ve achieved a low, average or high score. On average score for the general population is 18 out of 40. This is just under half the number of questions in the test.

Score Report That Employers Will Get

After completing the Matrigma Test, the company will get a detailed report with a detailed graph to show how well you performed in the test. The numbers shown on the report card don’t show the number of incorrect and correct answers. These numbers show the scale scores.

In the report card, you’ll see a graph and scaled score for both the Classic and Adaptive versions of the Matrigma Test. More than 60% of the population will get an average score between three and six. It’s important to remember that any score below three will be seen as below average.

Score Report You’ll Get

After you’ve completed the Matrigma Test, you won’t get a detailed report card. In your report card, you’ll only get a brief written description of your score range; either low, average or a high score. Your report card will also tell you where your score falls in this range.

Tips for Preparing for the Matrigma Test

Group of students studying

To prepare for the Matrigma Test, you can use similar tricks and tips used for preparing for the Abstract Reasoning test. These tricks include:

Be aware of red herrings and “distractors.” Multiple-choice tests often have choices that sound like the correct answers, but these are actually red herrings. They are deliberately used to distract you from the right answer.

It’s best to remember that the number of shapes used in a question could be important in trying to figure out the pattern being used in a specific grid.

Various shapes and figures can be used, even in one grid. So in one grid, you might get triangles, arrows, circles, squares and stars.  You should pay attention to the rotation of these shapes and figures. The rotation can either be clockwise or anti-clockwise.

In these questions, you’ll need to figure out how many degrees of rotation. You’ll also need to figure out the number of increases or decreases between the cells.

The position of each figure in the grid will also be important. The number of steps that a shape can either move vertically and/or horizontally. In the test, you’ll need to convert the square cells into the number of points you need to determine the number of steps the shape has moved.

You will also need to pay attention to the shape and size of the shapes and figures. These shapes and figures will change, especially in the more complex questions. You should also pay attention to the filling and shadings of these figures. You should ask yourself, “How do the colours and shadings change between and in the figures?”

You should also count the number of figures and shapes. Is there an even or an uneven number of shapes and figures? You should also count the sides of the shapes (pentagon, triangle, rectangle).

You should also count the number of figures to see if they increase or decrease between and within the shapes. You should see if there is an odd-even number for adding. Or if subtraction, multiplication, or division needs to be completed.

The Matrigma Test is time-limited. It’s recommended that you work out how much time you’ll have to spend on each question. You’ll need to stick to the time you’ve set up for yourself. If you get stuck on a difficult question, don’t waste time struggling with it.

You should have a pen and paper ready to complete this online test. This will work as a scrap piece of paper to help with your calculations. During the test, you should try to concentrate on one rule at a time. You should ask yourself the implicit questions to go through the strategies you could use to solve the questions.

How to Improve Your Matrigma Test Score

So how can you improve your Matrigma Test score? It’s important to research the Matrigma Test. Studying the material will help you become familiar with the format of the Matrigma Test.

You’ll also need to keep an eye out for details of the complex patterns presented in the questions. You can find the right answers to complex questions by asking yourself the right questions. You can use other methods during the actual test to help improve your test score.

These methods include the following: 

Drop your anxiety levels: Becoming familiar with the Matrigma Test’s format will decrease your stress levels. You won’t be as stressed because you will have been through this process before.

Preparing with a practice Matrigma Test is another key part of preparing. Practising will work to create a sort of muscle memory when dealing with a complicated question in a time-limited test.

You can find practice tests online to improve your general mental ability ahead of the actual test.

Matrigma Test FAQ

What Should I Expect on the Matrigma Test?

The Matrigma Test will consist of approximately 35 questions in the Classic version of the test. The Adaptive version of the test could have an unlimited number of questions. These questions are multiple-choice and consist of a non-verbal format that includes symbols and shapes.

For the Classic version of the Matrigma test, you could get approximately 40 minutes to complete the test. For the Adaptive version of the Matrigma test, you might only get 12 minutes to complete the test with one minute to answer each question.

What Are the Differences Between Classic Matrigma and Adaptive Matrigma?

There are some key differences between the Classic and the Adaptive versions of the Matrigma Test. The Classic version of the test consists of roughly 35 questions, and you’ll have 40 minutes to complete the test.

In the Adaptive version of the Matrigma Test, you might get approximately 12 minutes to complete the test. You’ll keep getting questions to answer until your time runs out. However, in the Classic version of the Matrigma Test, the number and order of the questions have already been determined.

With the Adaptive Matrigma Test, if you answer a question correctly, the next question will be more difficult than the last question. However, if you answer a question incorrectly, your next question might be a little bit easier.

Final Thoughts

To pass the Matrigma Test, you’ll need to have an eye for details and be able to find logical patterns. You’ll need this because the test evaluates these skills with questions related to abstract reasoning with shapes and patterns.

You can prepare for this assessment with Matrigma test practice and studying the study material available. There are Matrigma Test tips that you can follow to improve your chances of getting an above-average Matrigma test score.

Doing your homework will not only help you become familiar with the format and lower your anxiety levels when it comes to this test. You can also find free Matrigma test practice tests online and study material with JobTestPrep.