EMPCO Test Success: The Ultimate Guide with Practice Questions

Before you enter a role in public safety, it’s common to be asked to take the EMPCO cognitive tests as part of your application. EMPCO is a Michigan-based company that focuses on creating tests for public safety and government agencies.

It’s safe to say that if you’re looking to join the police force or fire department in Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin, having to undergo their tests is to be expected. In this guide, we’ll talk about what the EMPCO test is about and how you can prepare for it for the best results.

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What Is an EMPCO Test?

EMPCO is a company specializing in testing services for public safety entities. The EMPCO test then is essentially an entry-level police exam that police departments use to evaluate potential officers.

In its simplest form, this test is a pre-employment test that can be applied to any public agency, not just police departments. Once you take it, you can use those results for many different types of positions statewide—all you need to do is indicate where you want it to go on your registration, and EMPCO will send it along.

This exam will determine your aptitude to learn and succeed either in a training program or on the job—so you don’t need to know everything about that job yet, because EMPCO tests your cognitive skills and the potential you have to do well. You don’t need prior professional experience or any specific knowledge to achieve top results.

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What Is Included in the Assessments?


Your EMPCO test can encompass a series of assessments depending on what job you want to send your scores.

Law Enforcement Testing System (LETS)

For police-based jobs, you will take the National Criminal Justice Officer Selection Inventory, which is basically a set of cognitive aptitude exams. Most simply, these will be reading and writing exams that involve your ability to recall information, summarize, analyze, and draw conclusions based on a passage.

The main aim is to test how well you recall information, pick out main points to give a comprehensive summary, analyze information, and come up with conclusions based on the information featured in the passage.

Think about some of the exams you’ve taken in the past. You’ll be tested on some familiar things here, which include spelling, grammar, and English usage. In total, you’ll be given 2.5 hours for this computer-based test, and the passing score is often set at 70%.

EMPCO Corrections Test

Also known as the NCOSI, or the National Corrections Officer Selection, this is a corrections test created by EMPCO. In this test, you’ll be given 1.5 hours to answer the questions on a computer.

National Firefighter Selection Inventory

This test is used by fire departments to evaluate candidates who want to become firefighters. Essentially, this is a reading and writing test which you have to complete in 2.5 hours on a computer.

Michigan Sheriffs’ Testing Program

In this testing program by Michigan Sheriffs’, you’ll be evaluated on cognitive skills that are related to the job. Bear in mind that your deputy sheriff exam score can also be used in your police officer application.

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How to Prepare for It?

EMPCO Test Preparation

No matter which type of EMPCO exam you’re taking, you’ll want to figure out how to prepare for it properly. This usually means taking EMPCO practice tests online, which will contain the types of questions you would see and which will be in the format you can expect.

Have a look at Job Test Prep and their practice tests, detailed explanations, and study guides that will help you in your preparations tremendously.

These practice exams also include some analysis after the exam, a study guide, and some exam strategies. By familiarizing yourself with the test questions and format, you’ll be setting yourself up for success as you’ll be able to confidently face the test.

These types of courses will even help you practice for the behavioral profiles since this is realistically the hardest part of the test to actually study for.

As you prepare, also remember a few things: do not try and do all your preparation in one night. Studies show that proper preparation allows you to perform better on your tests, and cramming the night before doesn’t help you.

To pass both pieces of the exam, you’re going to need to approach this calmly, especially since a huge portion of this exam is based on your behavioral skills.

In the end, you don’t need any specific skills to pass this exam. You can do well as long as you practice and prepare yourself before you get there.

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Just like any other exam, you need to prepare adequately and put in the effort to study the topics thoroughly. With the help of Job Test Prep’s online guides and practice tests, you’ll find that you’ll be able to face the tests with more confidence as you answer the questions with higher speed and accuracy.

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