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Delta Airlines BMAR Test – Hiring Process, Practice Assessments & Interview Guide

If your ambition is to work for Delta Airlines in a technical position you can expect to meet the BMAR (Basic Mechanical Aptitude and Reasoning) test during the recruitment process.

As a well-known airline, Delta receives many applications for open positions they advertise. To make the hiring process more efficient applicants are asked to take pre-employment tests for their chosen roles with different tests used for the various roles.

Take the Delta Airlines BMAR Practice Test to improve your score.

If you have to take a Delta Airlines assessment, you might be worrying about what it entails and how to pass? Well, don’t worry, with the right preparation you can ace the test and fly into your new role.

Read on for all you need to know to prepare.

What is the Delta Airlines BMAR Test?

The BMAR test is a test taken by candidates applying to technical positions in Delta Airlines. It is used to test the suitability of applicants for the following roles:

  • Aircraft Maintenance Technician
  • Aircraft Support Mechanic
  • Maintenance Technician

What is a good score on the BMAR test?

Candidates who complete the tests with satisfactory scores, usually in the 80% or above range, are then invited to the next stages of the recruitment process.

How do you prepare for the BMAR Test?

Your first step in preparing for any test is to become familiar with the actual format of the test and the types of questions asked. With that information to hand you can then equip yourself with preparation materials and put a preparation plan in place.

For the information and materials you need, we recommend you use the services of a reliable job test preparation company such as Job Test Prep.

Using their services will allow you to access accurate and reliable information about the test. You will also get a test preparation pack with sample test papers and solid explanations for questions and answers. This is the most effective way to truly understand and get a feel for the types of questions that will appear on the test.

Take Delta Airlines BMAR Practice Test Now

What form does the BMAR test take?

When selecting people to recruit Delta needs to know if you meet the standards required to work within the company.

You will be assessed under three different headings:

  1. The Bennett Mechanical Comprehension Test (BMCT)
  2. Spatial Reasoning
  3. Personality Profile

Mechanical aptitude

In this section, you can expect to be presented with 40 questions assessing your understanding of:

  • Force and torque
  • Wheels and pulleys
  • Velocity, gravity and gears
  • Basic electrical concepts including series and parallel circuits

To test your mechanical aptitude, pit yourself against the following question.

BMAR Mechanical Aptitude Sample Question

Which ball will hit the ground first? (If equal, choose C.)


Test your mechanical aptitude skills further with a free sample mechanical aptitude test

Don’t forget to check your scores!

A good score is considered 80% or above.

Take Delta Airlines BMAR Practice Test Now

Spatial Reasoning

Spatial Reasoning assesses your ability to understand spatial relations between objects. Expect to be tested in the areas of:

  • Adding shapes
  • Rotated shapes
  • Assembly
  • Touching boxes

Test your skills against the following question.

Which of the four following options represents the cube in its folded form?

For further Spatial Reasoning tests try the following free sample test.

Once again check your scores.

Personality Test

Personality profiling tests measure if you have the personality to work in a technical position. Having their own profile of the ideal personality to work within their technical positions Delta will assess how well you measure up to this in the following areas:

  • Your analytical skills, how good you are at persevering at a task, are you a team player and how thorough your work is likely to be. You need to reach the highest score possible in these areas.
  • Can you work both independently and with a group? In these areas a high to mid-range score is acceptable.
  • Risk-taking and the need for change. Lower scores, reaching levels of 40-50% are the order of the day here.

Expect the testing also to look at your friendliness and ability to show empathy.

For example:

You can be given the following statement

“I always check my work to see there are no mistakes.”

On a scale of 1 to 7, you will mark your answer from “Strongly Disagree” to “Strongly Agree.”

For further examples of the personality profiling test try the following free sample test

For many job applicants, the personality test is considered the more difficult one. We have a tendency to confuse personality and behavior and the vast majority of us behave differently in the workplace to how we behave in our downtime.

When practicing on your sample test papers bear in mind the workplace personality Delta are looking for. For example, the points above show Delta prefer someone with good perseverance skills to a risk taker. Train yourself to answer questions in a way that presents that type of person.

Take Delta Airlines BMAR Practice Test Now

Put a preparation plan in place

With your test prep pack in hand, it is time to start preparing. For this you need to be organized, especially if you are working another job at the same time.

  1. Designate a place free from distractions where you do all of your preparation work.
  2. Draw up a study timetable and stick to it.
  3. Remember to focus on all three sections of the test. Doing well in two will not compensate for doing badly in the third.

Use your sample tests

Using your sample tests for every preparation session will:

  • Give a structure to your preparation
  • Help you become more familiar with the tests and ensure there is nothing to surprise you on test day
  • Help you become familiar with the timing of the tests
  • Allow you to measure your progress from test to test
  • Allow you to pinpoint areas that you may need to devote more time to

Use skills that help you to study efficiently

  • We study best in small blocks of time. Try working for 50 minutes followed by a 10-minute break.
  • For your breaks, leave your workspace, get some fresh air. Your brain will work better as a consequence.
  • Try to finish each day’s preparation with a quick review of what you did during that day’s study. This will reinforce the learning you have done.

Related Study Guide

Doing the tests

Approach the tests well-rested. The tests are challenging and you will need a clear head to do them successfully. Pre-test late-night study marathons will impact negatively on your performance.

If you become stressed prior to the test, as even the most experienced of us do, have some simple techniques to deal with that. People find deep breathing or stretching exercises effective.

Remind yourself you have done the work, you deserve to do well at this. Start the test prepared to give it all ya got!

If you have been asked to do the Delta BMAR you will find the resources to help you ace the test here.

Take Delta Airlines BMAR Practice Test Now

Written by Elizabeth O Mahony

With 25+ years’ experience as a teacher and state examinations corrector, Elizabeth now writes for the education and careers industry. Her experience preparing students for examinations and running an academy for supplementary education give her invaluable insights into what it takes for job seekers and graduates to succeed in assessments.