student female performing written task

Aon Hewitt G.A.T.E. Assessment: Preparation & Study Tips

The job market has never been so competitive. Employers are often inundated with huge numbers of applications for single roles. As such, the challenge of ensuring that they find the best candidate when competition is so high is very real.

Many employers now look to outside companies to provide assessment tools in the form of cognitive and behavioral assessments.

Take the Aon Hewitt G.A.T.E Practice Test to improve your score.

Aon Hewitt is one such assessment company that is increasingly used by employers in their search for the ideal candidate.

Are you faced with taking the Aon Hewitt Assessment Test? Read on to find out what to expect and how to prepare.

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What Is the Aon Hewitt G.A.T.E Assessment?

The G.A.T.E assessment evaluates applicants by testing their skills and capabilities in order to predict success within a specific role. This data is then used to compare candidates in order to find the best person for the job.

Around 10 million job applicants undergo the Aon assessments annually and the exams cover every level of employment from basic entry-level all the way through to executive level. The tests are used by hundreds of global companies in a variety of industries, from financial services to restaurants and the public sector.

What Is G.A.T.E?

The Global Assessment and Talent Engine (G.A.T.E) was created by Aon Assessment Solutions and are the online portal through which the Aon Assessments can be taken.

This online format means that the exam can be self-administered and accessed via any internet-compatible device such as a PC, tablet, or mobile. This obviously has benefits with regard to time and cost, in that geographical restrictions or travel costs are minimized and the test can be taken inside or outside of normal working hours.

Test takers are also able to choose from a variety of languages in which to undergo the assessment.

As an applicant, your G.A.T.E score will determine your rung on the hiring ladder. To ensure that you are at the top of the candidate list, you will need to practice prior to taking the test and studies have shown that this practice is crucial to test success. Job Test Prep can provide the materials to help you fully prepare.

The test will begin from the moment you enter the portal and you will receive your results immediately; this is further confirmation of the importance of preparation prior to sign-in.

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What Does the Aon Assessment Entail?

There is a range of test types within the Aon Hewitt assessment and which ones you encounter will often depend on the role for which you are applying.

Some of the test types include:

In this article, we will explore each of the test types in turn. It will help you better prepare and familiarize yourself with your impending assessment.

Aptitude Tests

Let’s explore the different types of aptitude tests in the G.A.T.E.

Verbal Reasoning

This test evaluates an individual’s ability to extract answers and draw conclusions from information presented in the form of articles and lists.

Verbal reasoning refers to the ability to use language effectively. You will be required to give definitions for words (some in context, some not) and to identify grammatical errors as well as answer questions about a text.

There are four types of questions within a verbal reasoning test.

These include:

  • True/false questions
  • Reading comprehension questions
  • Vocabulary
  • Grammar questions

Reading Comprehension Questions

In this part of your verbal reasoning assessment, you will be given a piece of text that is likely to relate to your chosen industry, although not necessarily.

Comprehension questions based on the text will ask you to extract information, identify and recall details or to summarize given themes. There may be questions that require you to compare different ideas, to identify inferred meaning or to explain the author’s intent.

Alternatively, you may be required to analyze an argument or viewpoint and state whether you think a certain argument is supported by the text, either explicitly or implicitly.

Vocabulary Questions

During this part of the assessment, you will be asked to give definitions for specific words. You may also be asked to identify a word in the passage of text and select its definition from a selection of possible choices.

Some questions may relate to the context of certain words. You may be asked to use contextual clues within the text to identify the relevance or significance of certain words within a sentence. Other questions could include the rearrangement of words in a sentence or the completion of analogies – the comparison of one thing to another for the purpose of clarification or explanation.

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Grammar Questions

Grammar is a fundamental principle which underpins every language in the world.

Having a good grasp of the technicalities of language will ensure that you are taken seriously in the professional world. Poor grammar, especially in writing, can mean that your communications appear less credible and have a lower impact.

The questions within the grammar part of your assessment will be a test of the knowledge you have in relation to punctuation, capitalization, sentence structure, and spelling. You may be given a selection of sentences and asked to choose the one that is grammatically correct, for example.

Logical Reasoning

Logical Reasoning tests purely assess your reasoning ability as opposed to any grammar or numerical skills as with the verbal and numerical reasoning tests.

There will be two types of questions in a logical reasoning test based on the processes of deductive and inductive reasoning.

These include:

  • Diagrammatic Abstract Reasoning
  • Verbal Logical Reasoning

In the first type of question, you will be presented with a series of shapes and asked to describe the patterns that they make. The second type of question will be a series of statements from which you will be expected to choose the one that you know is a certainty.

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Diagrammatic Abstract Reasoning

This is a non-verbal form of logical reasoning that involves a series or matrix that is made up of shapes or figures organized in a specific pattern.

You will be asked to identify the pattern and then complete questions about the pattern. This process involves inductive reasoning. Examples of these non-verbal logical reasoning tasks are:

Series – In this type of question, you will be shown 4-6 pictures in a sequence and then asked to select, from a range of given choices, which picture should come next in the sequence. The missing picture in the sequence may sometimes be in the middle of the sequence, not just at the end.

Matrices – These questions are similar to the series questions except for the fact that they extend in two directions. In a series question, the sequence will only go from left to right, but a matrix will have patterns that run vertically and horizontally.

You will need to choose the missing figure in the sequence that completes the pattern in its row as well as the pattern running up and down the column.

Odd One Out – In this type of question, the figures won’t be lined up as in a series, but they will share commonalities. It will be up to you to identify characteristics that are relevant and to then group the figures according to those shared characteristics.

A/B Groups – In this style of question, there will be two groups of figures and one figure on its own. You will be asked to explain why the figures were grouped in that way and then you will need to place the single figure into the group to which it belongs.

Verbal Logical Reasoning

These questions rely on deductive reasoning skills. Within this part of the test, you will receive a series of statements deemed to be true. It will be up to you to decide which of the statements is indeed true and viable.


Categorical syllogisms – These are general statements that relate a specific case back to a larger rule.

For example:

All women are mortal
Kate is a woman
Therefore, Kate is mortal

Conditional Syllogisms – These rely on the premise that if a goes to b, and b goes to c, then it follows that a must go to c also.

For example:

If it is sunny, we will go to the beach
If we go to the beach, we will eat ice cream
If it is sunny, we will eat ice cream

Disjunctive syllogisms – These show that if a is true, then b is false

For example:

If the initial statement is: ‘I will go by car or by train’
It will therefore follow that if: ‘I will go by car’ is true, then the statement ‘I will go by train’ must be false.


These questions will require you to put a group of objects or people into an order based on given descriptions.

For example:

The apple is before the plum. The plum is after the pineapple. The apple is not last.

You may then be asked to calculate exactly where each of the fruits are in the line.

Numerical Reasoning

The Aon numerical reasoning test will assess your ability to make logical conclusions based on tables, charts and graphs.

These tests are different in that questions are posed based on your answer to the previous question. This adaptive style of assessment means that you will be asked questions that match your ability as opposed to those which are consistently too easy or too difficult.

Undertaking practice questions prior to the actual test will mean that you are well prepared for the format and style of the assessment.

Try a free numerical reasoning test here at Job Test Prep to get an idea of the types of questions to expect.

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How to Prepare for Reasoning Tests

As with every test, preparation is key. It stands to reason that the more familiar you are with the test format, the more likely you are to be successful.

Job Test Prep has a range of practice papers designed to give you a competitive edge.

Some top tips to help you prepare for the reasoning tests are as follows:

  • Find out the format of the relevant test provider – Each provider will have a slightly different format for the reasoning tests to that of their competitors. Aon is no exception. Familiarizing yourself with the layout, any time restrictions and style of questioning will help you to combat any nerves on the day of your test.
  • Break questions down – In the case of a complicated pattern or shape, breaking things down into small sections will help you to better understand the shape and spot patterns or sequences more easily.
  • Use a process of elimination – Logical reasoning is simply a process of elimination. There is bound to be the odd question on the day that you find tricky. Try not to panic and start by eliminating the answers that are definitely incorrect before focusing on the remaining possible answers. It will be easier to analyze a couple of options rather than all options at once.
  • Stay calm – Try not to panic, keep calm and move on from particularly tricky questions. Especially when there are time constraints in the process, lingering over one question can cause anxiety levels to rise and limit the ability to think clearly. Leave difficult questions until the end of the test or make an educated guess and move on. The last thing you want to do is run out of time.
  • Practice under exam conditions – If you choose to make use of the Job Test Prep materials, make sure you do the practice tests under exam conditions. This will give you a much better idea of your progress and also any areas you need to work on. Find a calm and quiet space in which to practice, somewhere you know you can remain undisturbed.
  • Remember to take regular breaks – Assessments can be tiring and mentally challenging.
  • Review your work – Reviewing the questions that you got wrong as well as the ones that you excelled at, will give you a better understanding of areas that need improvement and that you might need to re-visit or allocate some extra practice time.

Personality Tests

There are a few different types of personality test.


Your personal characteristics are of enormous significance to a prospective employer. Understanding how you will behave in a particular work role will ensure that they can select the best candidates for the job and those whose personality traits mean that not only will they be a good fit for the ethics and practices of an organization, but also fit in well with colleagues and work teams.

This test measures 15 personality traits and six generic work styles.


This test is just another way to evaluate your likely work behavior and personality traits. In this test, you will be asked to agree or disagree with a particular statement using a six-point scale.

Unlike some assessments, the personality tests are not time-restricted and so it is important to make sure that you read each question thoroughly, taking your time to consider and answer honestly.

How to Prepare for Personality Tests?

  • Answer questions truthfully – Aim to give an accurate reflection of your personality. Trying to second guess the answers that you think an employer wants can give a confused character profile. However, it is important to give your answers from a professional viewpoint; that is, how you would behave in a work situation as opposed to a social one. Employers are interested in your work ethics and morals more than how you behave in your personal time.
  • Don’t pick just the extreme responses – Choosing ‘strongly agree’ for all the positive questions and ‘strongly disagree’ for all the negative ones, will not give a balanced view and could show that you are trying to second guess the test and the ‘best’ answers.
  • Take your time – particularly where there are no time limits, take your time to answer, check and review your answers.
  • Keep in mind the job role – Many of the questions will be designed to assess your suitability for a particular role so try to think of what answer is most appropriate for the job specification.
  • Be consistent.
  • Identify undesirable answers – There may be some clearly ‘wrong’ answers on the test. For example, for a customer service role, the question, ‘do you like helping people?’ will clearly be seeking a positive answer. If you cannot honestly answer yes to this question, then you may have to consider whether or not the role is right for you. Similarly, when it comes to integrity, for example, if you do not rate ‘dishonesty in the workplace’ as significant, then your own integrity and suitability for the role may be called into question.

One of the best ways to practice is to try a practice personality test like this free one from JobTest Prep.

Ability Tests

Situational Judgement Tests (SJT)

These tests have become an increasingly popular way for assessment companies and organizations to assess a potential candidate’s behavioral and cognitive responses to work-based situations.

In these tests, you will be presented with a hypothetical work problem or situation that could arise in the job for which you are applying. For each situation, you will be presented with four or five possible actions. It will be up to you to decide which of these actions is the most and the least effective. Subsequently, you must indicate the option that you would choose if faced with this scenario.

The tests are multiple-choice and give your employer an idea of how effectively you might deal with work challenges or issues. Each SJT will have a different format, including audio, video and written forms. There may be as many as 25-50 scenarios in any one SJT.

The scenarios are deliberately engaging and challenging and always focus on the resolution of a given conflict. These conflicts could involve disagreements between colleagues, stress, or the relationships between managers and their team members.

These situations will obviously vary according to the role and will evaluate specific traits and aptitudes accordingly. For example, police officers are likely to face different challenges than sales representatives.

Although you are encouraged to choose your answers based on your intuition and with a degree of spontaneity, it is important to present yourself in the best possible light and thus choose answers that best reflect your skills and attributes. Preparation will enable you to do this much more efficiently.

Specific Knowledge Tests

These assessments will relate directly to your chosen role and will, of course, differ from company to company and from role to role.

Creativity Tests

These tests evaluate a candidate’s ability to be creative which can be a huge attribute for a prospective employer. You will be shown a series of four objects. You will be asked to combine those objects and create a new object to which you will assign a new name.


Your Aon assessment may also include a face-to-face interview. This interview will typically be one hour long and performed by two assessors. There will be a range of questions designed to assess both your motivation and your competency.

Along with some standard interview questions, there may also be some questions used to evaluate your logical thinking skills. For example, ‘How many ties are being worn in the UK right now?’ Assessors will be looking to see how you apply logic to such a problem before arriving at a thoughtful estimate. You may consider variants such as the time of day, the average adult population, the industries for which tie-wearing is or isn’t typically deemed suitable, and so on.

Aon Assessment Centre

Once you are successful in your aptitude tests, you will be asked to attend the Aon Assessment Centre, where you will undergo further assessments.

There will be a combination of individual and group exercises, all of which can be practiced using the materials from Job Test Prep.

Assessment Centre activities will include:

A Short Presentation

A 3-minute pitch on why you believe you should be considered for the job during which you should sell your skills and attributes. Two assessors will observe your pitch and then ask you questions about it afterward. You will need to demonstrate that you have excellent communication skills and can express yourself clearly and eloquently.

Group Exercise

This activity will take the form of a formal debate. You will be asked to prepare your material with your group for around 20 minutes. At this point, assessors will be observing how well you work as a part of a team. Once your material is prepared, you will debate for around 50 minutes whilst the assessors watch and decide which team has won the debate.

It is crucial to appear confident and able to adapt quickly to a challenging situation and demonstrate that you possess key company values.

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What Next?

In summary, practice makes perfect. In an increasingly competitive job market, many candidates may be vying for the same position. Employers will be looking for candidate that reflects company values, is well prepared, and possesses the skill set that will ensure they fit well into existing teams and job demands.

Knowing what to expect on a test, and making sure you are well prepared, will mean that you can approach the assessment process calmly and with confidence. Job Test Prep can help you with this preparation and help you to secure your new job and a brighter future!

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Written by Karen Stanley

​​Karen is a former teacher of 20 years and ten times published author. She writes content for educational organisations and businesses, nationally and internationally. She coaches new and budding writers through to publication and is passionate about creativity; she runs creative writing workshops in schools and fostering agencies.